Hindu American issues advance in Congress due to HAF advocacy

April 21, 2020

Hindu Americans raise $18000 for Pakistani religious minorities denied food aid

April 15, 2020

HAF stands up for right to contraceptives coverage in health insurance plans, joining amicus curiae brief to Supreme Court

April 11, 2020

India should grant asylum, citizenship to Afghanistan’s persecuted Sikhs and Hindus, HAF writes to Modi

April 9, 2020

Islamic State attack on Sikh temple in Afghanistan latest in decades-old pattern of persecution

March 26, 2020

Threats by hate groups to weaponize COVID-19 virus and pandemic could impact Hindu Americans

March 25, 2020

HAF joins democracy, civil and human rights groups to assist US government response to COVID-19

March 25, 2020

Former US Surgeon General joins HAF webinar on COVID-19

March 20, 2020

HAF joins National Council of Asian Pacific Americans call on Congress to denounce coronavirus connected racism

March 12, 2020

Alabama leans in the right direction with bill allowing yoga postures in public schools

March 10, 2020