Why the way we talk about Hinduism needs to change

One of the underlying themes in the first series of episodes of All About Hinduism is that this spiritual tradition is often misunderstood by those people outside of it. Some of this misunderstanding is basic exposure to Hinduism and Hindus. But sometimes, we Hindus ourselves are unwittingly to blame. If we want non-Hindus to better understand Hinduism and we want to ourselves better understand Hinduism, the way in which we talk about Hinduism needs to change.


We’re Back: All About Hinduism Series 2 teaser, with a note on formatting

Want to learn all about Hinduism, the world’s oldest and third-largest religion? Like actually understand what karma is? Or what dharma means? Do you want to know what the sacred texts of Hinduism are? Or, maybe, you just want to know why Hindu women wear a dot on their forehead? Or, perhaps, if all Hindus vegetarian? If so, then All About Hinduism is just what you’ve been waiting for. We’ll give you an overview of Hinduism as a lived and contemporary spiritual path. We’ll explore the history of how Hinduism has come to be what it is today: the third-largest and oldest religious tradition in the world.


We’ve got to talk about caste

Caste is one of the most complicated and misunderstood concepts encountered when attempting to understand India and Hinduism.


We’ve got to talk about the word ‘Aryan’

Or is that actually a word at all?


The big popular misconceptions about Hinduism episode

In which we mythbust the “caste, cows, and karma” presentation of Hinduism


What are the yamas and niyamas?

Every spiritual tradition has broad ethical guidelines. These are Hinduism’s.


What is reincarnation

The cycle of reincarnation — birth, death, and rebirth — is called s​amsara.​


What karma is, and isn’t

It’s all about cause and effect, played out over multiple lifetimes and in this one.


What is dharma?

One word, so many means. And not one single word in English that encompasses it all.


What are the main Hindu rites of passage and sacraments?

Plus, what are the four traditional stages of life.


Are all Hindus vegetarian?

No. But there are good reasons why you might think this.


What are the main spiritual texts of Hinduism?

Hinduism does not one single book that all Hindu lineages turn to. Rather, Hinduism has a truly vast collection of ancient religious writings. Let’s sort it all out.


Who is a Hindu?

In this episode we go over the multiple definitions of Hindu identity, from religious leaders, the Indian Supreme Court, and more. We end with the stories of Fred Stella and Drishti Mae, who were raised Catholic and Muslim respectively, but adopted Hinduism later in life.


What does the word Hindu mean, anyway?

You’d think that the origin of the word we use in English for the world’s third-largest religion would be pretty easy to sort out. And certainly we’d be using the word for the world’s oldest religion that the billion people who ascribe to it themselves call it. Well, it’s not so simple when it comes to Hinduism. Though the word Hindu today refers to a self-identified follower of the religion Hinduism, as we go back in time it all becomes a bit more complicated.


If you know nothing else about Hinduism, know this.

Hinduism is not just one thing. What should one know about Hinduism to be on solid ground when talking about it? How does Hinduism view itself?


All about All About Hinduism

Do you want to know more about Hinduism? Like actually understand what karma is? Or what dharma means? Do you want to know what the sacred texts of Hinduism are? Or, maybe, you just want to know why Hindu women wear a dot on their forehead? Or, perhaps, if all Hindus are vegetarian?

If so, then All About Hinduism is just what you’ve been waiting for.

We’ll give you an overview of Hinduism as a lived and contemporary spiritual path. We’ll explore the history of how Hinduism has come to be what it is today: the third-largest and oldest religious tradition in the world. We’ll also clear up some of the misconceptions out there about Hinduism, as well as unflinchingly address some of the more contentious issues in Hinduism’s past and present.

Winner of the 2024 DeRose-Hinkhouse Award of Excellence, Specialty Programming – Podcast Series


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About the Show

All About Hinduism is produced, written, edited and hosted by Mat McDermott.