Persecution of Hindus in South, Southeast Asia highlighted by HAF on Human Rights Day 70th anniversary

December 10, 2020

HAF hails historic Green Card reform bill passing in Senate

December 8, 2020

Bill establishing joint US-India foundation devoted to non-violence leaders Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. passes House

December 4, 2020

HAF joins over 35 international NGOs calling for justice for Bangladesh human rights lawyer Rabindra Ghosh

December 2, 2020

HAF commemorates 12th anniversary of Mumbai Terrorist Attacks

November 24, 2020

Anti-Hindu hate crimes dropped in 2019, despite nationwide rise in bias incidents

November 18, 2020

HAF congratulates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, looks forward to working with administration on issues of mutual concern

November 7, 2020

HAF sends letter to State Department urging condemnation of Hindu persecution in Bangladesh

November 6, 2020

HAF statement on abduction, forced conversion, and child marriage of 13-year old Arzoo Lal in Pakistan

October 30, 2020

HAF’s 2020 Diwali Toolkit now available for parents and educators

October 27, 2020