On February 8, 2025, HAF Board Member Dr Kavita Pallod Sekhsaria spoke at Interfaith Service Unifying Through Nonviolence, organized by International Stop the Violence Inc. and the International Torch for Peace Foundation. 

Dr Sekhsaria’s remarks in full:


Today, as we’re gathered here today, let us reflect on the profound message of unity and peace encapsulated in an ancient Sanskrit prayer from the millenia old Rg Veda, a key source of knowledge for many within the family of Hindu Dharma traditions. It is as relevant as it was so many generations ago.

Sangacchadhwam Samvadadhwam | Sam Vo Manaansi Jaanataam ||

Samaano Mantraḥ Samiti Samaani | Samaanam Manah Sahacittameshaam ||

Samani Va Aakutih Samaanaa Hrdayaani Va | Samaanamastu Vo Mano

Yathaa Va Susahaasati ||

May we march forward with a common goal. May we be open-minded and work together in harmony. 

May our prayers be one. May we belong to one brotherhood. May our aspirations be harmonious. May our minds be in unison. 

May we strive to reduce disparity. May we be bound in strong fellowship and unity.

These poignant words remind us that true progress begins when we stand together, united by shared purpose and mutual respect. In a world too often divided by conflict and misunderstanding, this prayer calls us to embrace our shared humanity as both a principle and a practice — a shared humanity that evokes the active force of love, compassion, and justice,  that seeks to heal divisions and build bridges of trust.

And when we build bridges of trust we build communities of trust. Trust grows when we listen to one another with open hearts, honor our differences, and work collaboratively toward common goals. It thrives when we replace fear with understanding and transform suspicion into solidarity.

Together, we can create a world where unity is not just an ideal but a lived reality—where every step forward is taken hand in hand, guided by the light of peace. May there be peace within us, peace around us, peace between us. 

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Photo: Siubo11ACC BY-SA 3.0, Link