FAQs about California AB2282 Page

...that AB2282 has passed the Assembly, it is in the Senate, where it will be assigned to the Public Safety Committee for review. The Senate Public Safety Committee may choose...

Pakistan policy brief 2010-2011 Page

...stability in South Asia. Promoting religious freedom and minority rights in Pakistan is consistent with America‟s commitment to human rights and prevents the growth of Islamic extremism in the region....

Pakistan Policy Brief 2010-2011 Page

...becoming a failed state and ensuring stability in South Asia. Promoting religious freedom and minority rights in Pakistan is consistent with America‟s commitment to human rights and prevents the growth...

Privacy Policy Page

Welcome to www.hinduamerican.org, a site owned by the Hindu American Foundation (HAF). Your privacy is important to us We’re committed to respecting your privacy and keeping...

FAQs About Kashmir and Articles 370/35A Page

...the districts of Leh and Kargil, unanimously passed a resolution demanding “complete autonomy from Kashmir’s administrative setup.” The people of Ladakh have complained of being socially, economically, and politically marginalized...

Hinduism Basics Page

...John Adams, Letter to Thomas Jefferson on Christmas Day, 1813 Joseph Priestly’s A Comparison of the Institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos and other Ancient Nations: “Pythagoras passed...