The Caste Conundrum: No universal definition Page

...resulted in an internally inconsistent class of communities, which outside of an administrative designation, shared very little in common socially, economically, educationally, or politically. Then and now, each community designated...

Teaching Resources Page

...and how you can participate at home! In this lesson plan students will examine the influence...

Where We Stand Page profoundly drawn to the concept of freedom of expression and freedom of thought and belief. We also believe in the goodness of humanity to knowingly demonstrate kindness and compassion...

Hate Crime Victims Guide Page

...concern and ensure the safety and security of the community. The form is available at Notify your local Hindu community representatives so that a coordinated, unified response can be...

The Blind Spot. Page

...the Indian and Hindu community has not taken notice, nor recognized the ramifications. They’re coming in from our own blind spots. A 2021 survey of Indian Americans clearly shows that...