Hindu Leaders’ Reflections on Oneness Page

...iron and so on. These elements come about from different combinations of protons, electrons and neutrons. Going further, according to quantum mechanics, these atomic particles are also made up of...

Hindu Leaders’ Reflections on Oneness Page

...commonness. As our body lives in a house, our houses and all the facilities we use are living on planet Earth. As we should not hurt others, we should not...

Hindutva & Hindu Nationalism Guide Page

...often much more highly critical than is the case coming from comparatively more liberal segments of these faiths in the West. Efforts to block Hindus from asserting the value of...

HAF Legal Advocacy, 2004-Today Page

...Anti-Discrimination Committee sued South Carolina state officials, alleging that the license plates gave preferential governmental treatment to one particular faith community (Christianity), in contravention of the First Amendment’s promise of...

Temple Safety and Security Guide Page

...strong, the Hindu American community is one of the fastest growing American religious communities. While most Hindus are of South Asian origin, the Hindu American community includes individuals of Caribbean,...

Human Rights Report | Fiji Page

...Fiji Times. Amnesty International. Anthony, K., & Doherty, B. (2020, November 24). Fiji gripped as attorney general investigated for cold-case bomb attack. The Guardian. Australia Network News. (2012,...

Guide for Reviewing Your Child’s Textbook Page

...boards also utilize public curriculum adoption processes which include opportunities for parents and community members to review and provide comments on proposed curriculum and individual textbooks prior to their use...