Hinduism 101

Learn the foundations of Hinduism at your own pace

What is Hinduism?

Learn about the core beliefs of Hindu Dharma traditions:
key Hindu concepts, sources of knowledge, symbols, and philosophies.

Karma, Samsara, Moksha

This module discusses Karma as the natural law of action balance, Samsara’s cycle of rebirth, and Moksha, the liberation from Samsara, relating to dharma.

Sources of Knowledge

Hindu sources of knowledge are vast collections of ancient texts categorized into realized and remembered works with a focus on their oral-to-written transition and genre diversity.

Hindu Concepts About God

Students will understand Hindu views of God, exploring concepts like monism, pantheism, and panentheism.

Religious Symbols

This module introduces Hindu symbols like Aum, the Bindi, and the Swastika, explaining their meanings.

Systems of Thought

Explore how inquiry and diverse Divine interpretations influenced various Hindu theological schools.

The Bhagavad Gita

Learn the core teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, a pivotal Hindu sacred text.

When did Hinduism start?

Learn who the Ancient Indians were and the history of Hinduism

Ancient India

Who were the Ancient Indians? How did they live? What was their religion and how does it relate to Hinduism. Find out in this module.

History of Hinduism

This module covers the History of Hinduism — from the Indus-Saraswati civilizations through the modern era.

Time in Hinduism

This module covers understanding of time in Hinduism.

Where is Hinduism practiced?

90% of the 1 billion Hindus in the world reside on
the Indian subcontinent, but the diaspora's impact
has spread to every continent

Global Hinduism

Learn about the spread of the Hindu diaspora over centuries, and about what the Hindu population looks like geographically today.

Sacred Arts and Architecture

Learn how art and architecture are both a means and way for Hindu spiritual and religious practice both for the individual and the community.

Who do Hindus worship?

The modules covers the various forms
of the Divine which Hindus worship.

Hindu Concepts of the Feminine

Learn about the role of the feminine divine in Hindu worship and Hindu women in religious life. Also, meet a few of the women of note that had a significant impact on Hindu society.

Who Hindus Worship

This module covers the various forms of the Divine which Hindus worship. Also learn about some of the symbolism associated with various Hindu deities.

How do Hindus worship?

Dharma, yoga, how Hindus worship, and more...


Explores Dharma’s role in spiritual advancement, its connection to Karma, Samsara, and Moksha, and understanding personal dharma in various situations.

Yoga – Paths to Moksha

Details four Hindu paths to liberation: bhakti (devotion), gnana (knowledge), karma (service), and raja (meditation).

Ashramas – Life Stages

Outlines the four life stages in Hinduism, focusing on their responsibilities and significance.

Holy Days & Festivals

Introduces Hindu celebrations and commemorations, highlighting key aspects of lived Hinduism.

Explainer Videos

Further Reading

Go deeper into learning about Hinduism with these recommended books.

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