Kansas Shooter Charged With Hate Crime But Justice Still Awaits

June 9, 2017

Murder of Kashmiri Muslim Indian Army Officer by Pakistan Sponsored Militants Condemned by HAF

May 11, 2017

Pakistani Hindu Accused of Blasphemy Stuck Between Imprisonment and Vigilante Mob

May 5, 2017

Discrepancies in US Monitoring of International Religious Freedom Highlighted by HAF

May 2, 2017

US Religious Freedom Commission Continues Association With Terrorist Sympathizer

May 2, 2017

Mixing Science and Religion, HAF Partners in National March for Science

April 13, 2017

HAF Leaders Dismayed by Rollback of US Climate, Clean Energy Policy

March 29, 2017

Statement from HAF Executive Director on Reza Aslan’s “Believer”

March 8, 2017

HAF Presents Community Concerns About ‘Believer’ to Show Host Reza Aslan

March 5, 2017

Hindu Americans Meet with Kansas Governor and Lt. Governor

March 3, 2017