Student Letter Template
This letter can be sent by enrolled students in any of universities with departments that are either contributing or sponsoring DGH. The letter should be addressed to dean or key staff for Student Affairs on your campus.
The list of contributing or sponsoring departments and centers can be found toward the bottom of this PAGE.
I am a proud [UNIVERSITY] student and write to you with serious concerns about [UNIVERSITY] being associated with an upcoming virtual event entitled, ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ (DGH) being held 9/10-9/12.
I wholeheartedly support academic freedom, and also support academic integrity and academic honesty. But when a few professors use our university’s name or departmental resources to promote a partisan event, and that too one that targets an ethno-religious minority to forward their political agenda, my ability to learn and grow is adversely impacted.
I know this is not just a challenge that is limited to our campus. But I hope we can as [UNIVERSITY MASCOT] lead the way through dialogue and introspection to finding a way to balance competing rights — mine to freely express myself and explore various topics without fear of censorship or retaliation and professors to engage in politically but not have it bleed into the classroom.
To this end, I request that we have:
- Listening sessions with students and faculty to better understand the impact of scholar activism on students’ learning experience and student and non-activist scholars’ or scholar-activists’ with dissenting perspectives academic freedom
- A mechanism for redress for students and faculty facing situations in which we fear or are unable to express our views without censorship or retaliation
- Provide or promote additional support services specifically for Hindu students and faculty who may fear hostility as a result of this partisan event
I cannot begin to express how upsetting it is to have [UNIVERSITY] being associated with a partisan event that platforms controversial politicians and activists with a long history of Hinduphobic activism and denies Hinduphobia, including well documented Hindu genocides.
Here are some links to provide more detailed background on the speakers and the concerns of the Hindu American community.
Hindu on Campus – Students casting light on the speakers and track record of stoking Hinduphobia
Dismantling Global Hindutva: A thinly veiled attempt to dismantle Hinduism – How University departments are sponsoring an event promotes Hinduphobia
CNN-News 18 – This issue has become internationalized and the reputation of American universities being impacted. There are some 200,000 Indian nationals attending US Universities.
HAF reiterates potential threats for Hindus on campus at universities sponsoring Dismantling Global Hindutva conference – Grassroots response from the Hindu community
Parents Letter Template
This letter can be sent by parents of children in any of universities with departments that are either contributing or sponsoring DGH. The letter should be addressed to the key administrator tasked with Diversity and Inclusion on your child’s campus. The list of contributing or sponsoring departments and centers can be found toward the bottom of this PAGE.
I am a proud parent of a [UNIVERSITY] student and write to you with serious concerns about [UNIVERSITY] being associated with an upcoming virtual event entitled, ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ (DGH) being held 9/10-9/12.
I wholeheartedly support academic freedom, and also support academic integrity and academic honesty. But when a few scholar activists use our university’s name or departmental resources to promote a partisan event, and that too one that targets an ethno-religious minority to forward their political agenda, these three pillars of liberal education are endangered.
I know this is not just a challenge that is limited to our campus. University administrators across the country are struggling to find a healthy balance between the individual political rights of faculty and students and the responsibility the university and its faculty owe as educators to students. I hope that [UNIVERSITY] can show leadership in this critical challenge.
As a parent, I want my child to maximize the opportunities [UNIVERSITY] offers in an environment that fosters open inquiry and exposes [NAME OF CHILD] to a diversity of perspectives. I also believe it’s critical that faculty are encouraged to strike a balance between their rights as individuals in terms of political activism and their primary responsibility to their students as educators.
To this end, I ask that you:
- Host listening sessions with students and faculty to better understand the impact of scholar activism on students’ learning experience and student and non-activist scholars’ or scholar-activists’ with dissenting perspectives academic freedom.
- Provide a mechanism for redress for students and faculty facing situations in which they fear or are unable to express their views without censorship or retaliation.
- Provide or promote additional support services specifically for Hindu students and faculty who may fear hostility as a result of this partisan event.
I bring this to your attention because as a concerned parent, I do not want my child to fear censorship or retaliation because a teacher is so politically active as to disregard the impact their activism may have on students, especially when that activism is in partnership with controversial politicians and activists with a long history of Hinduphobic activism and denies Hinduphobia, even well documented Hindu genocides.
Please send a message that [UNIVERSITY] remains a tolerant or welcoming institution for Indian and Hindu students by following through on my three requests.
Here are some links to provide more detailed background on the speakers and the concerns of the Hindu American community.
Hindu on Campus – Students casting light on the speakers and track record of stoking Hinduphobia
Dismantling Global Hindutva: A thinly veiled attempt to dismantle Hinduism – How University departments are sponsoring an event promotes Hinduphobia
CNN-News 18 – This issue has become internationalized and the reputation of American universities being impacted. There are some 200,000 Indian nationals attending US Universities.
HAF reiterates potential threats for Hindus on campus at universities sponsoring Dismantling Global Hindutva conference – Grassroots response from the Hindu community
Alumni Letter Template
This letter can be sent by alumnus from any of universities with departments that are either contributing or sponsoring DGH. The letter should be addressed to the key administrator tasked with Diversity and Inclusion on your child’s campus. The list of contributing or sponsoring departments and centers can be found toward the bottom of this PAGE.
I am a proud alumnus of [UNIVERSITY], Class of [YEAR], and write to you with serious concerns about [UNIVERSITY] being associated with an upcoming virtual event entitled, ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ (DGH) being held 9/10-9/12.
I wholeheartedly support academic freedom, and also support academic integrity and academic honesty. But when a few scholar activists use our university’s name or departmental resources to promote a partisan event, and that too one that targets an ethno-religious minority to forward their political agenda, these three pillars of liberal education are endangered.
I know this is not just a challenge that is limited to our campus. University administrators across the country are struggling to find a healthy balance between the individual political rights of faculty and students and the primary responsibility the university and its faculty owe as educators to your students.
As an alumni who benefited immensely from a far less polarized campus environment, I hope [UNIVERSITY] can take a lead in formulating a set of policies and protections to strike a delicate balance between competing rights and responsibilities of students and faculty.
To this end, I ask that you:
- Host listening sessions with students and faculty to better understand the impact of scholar activism on students’ learning experience and student and non-activist scholars’ or scholar-activists’ with dissenting perspectives academic freedom.
- Provide a mechanism for redress for students and faculty facing situations in which they fear or are unable to express their views without censorship or retaliation.
- Provide or promote additional support services specifically for Hindu students and faculty who may fear hostility as a result of this partisan event.
I bring this to your attention because as a proud alumnus, I do not want [UNIVERSITY]’s name and reputation to be associated with a partisan event and that too one that platforms controversial politicians and activists with a long history of Hinduphobic activism and denies Hinduphobia, even well documented Hindu genocides.
Please send a message that [UNIVERSITY] remains a tolerant or welcoming institution for Indian and Hindu students by following through on my three requests.
Here are some links to provide more detailed background on the speakers and the concerns of the Hindu American community.
Hindu on Campus – Students casting light on the speakers and track record of stoking Hinduphobia
Dismantling Global Hindutva: A thinly veiled attempt to dismantle Hinduism – How University departments are sponsoring an event promotes Hinduphobia
CNN-News 18 – This issue has become internationalized and the reputation of American universities being impacted. There are some 200,000 Indian nationals attending US Universities.
HAF reiterates potential threats for Hindus on campus at universities sponsoring Dismantling Global Hindutva conference – Grassroots response from the Hindu community
Indian National Students/Parents/Alumni Letter Template
This letter can be sent by Indian citizens who are students, parents, or alumni from any of universities with departments that are either contributing or sponsoring DGH. The list of contributing or sponsoring departments and centers can be found toward the bottom of this PAGE.
Honorable Minister of External Affairs,
I write to you as a concerned citizen and [STUDENT/PARENT of ____/ALUMNUS] of [US BASED UNIVERSITY].
I write to you with serious concerns about [UNIVERSITY] being associated with an upcoming virtual event entitled, ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ (DGH), an event being held 9/10-9/12. The event is political and partisan with the main purpose being to oppose and “dismantle” the Bharatiya Janata Party.
The event goes well beyond legitimate criticism of specific GOI policies and veers into promoting Hinduphobia and anti-Hindu hatred in the activists and politicians the event platforms, in the resources it promotes, and in the inflammatory language it uses to malign any individuals or groups who may hold views different than theirs. All of this creates a hostile environment on campus where especially Indian students and other faculty are silenced and denied their academic freedom because they avoid expressing differing views out of fear of censorship or retaliation.
Our government has made education a key pillar in the India-US partnership on a shared foundation of democracy and value for open exchange of knowledge, information and ideas. Indian students represent nearly 20% of the 1 million international students in a sector that is valued at US$45 billion annually.
We ask that you call upon university presidents to:
- Ensure the safety of Indian students and faculty at these over 41 universities
- Provide a mechanism for redress for Indian students and faculty who feel they have been denied their academic freedom or ability to express their views without fear of censorship or retaliation.
- Provide or promote additional support services specifically for Indian students and faculty who may fear hostility as a result of this partisan event.
Please send a message that the India-US partnership depends on mutual respect and that universities must remain committed to their ultimate purpose of empowering citizens with the skills to explore new ideas and constructively engage with different perspectives,
Here are some links to provide more detailed background on the speakers and the concerns of the Hindu American community.
Hindu on Campus – Students casting light on the speakers and track record of stoking Hinduphobia
Dismantling Global Hindutva: A thinly veiled attempt to dismantle Hinduism – How University departments are sponsoring an event promotes Hinduphobia
CNN-News 18 – This issue has become internationalized and the reputation of American universities being impacted. There are some 200,000 Indian nationals attending US Universities.
HAF reiterates potential threats for Hindus on campus at universities sponsoring Dismantling Global Hindutva conference – Grassroots response from the Hindu community
Indian envoy Taranjit Singh Sandhu interacts with heads of US universities