On March 4, the Hindu American Foundation filed an amicus brief in Dubash v. City of Houston. This Fifth Circuit case challenges the arrest of Mr. Dubash at a public park in Houston, TX, for truthfully depicting the unethical treatment of animals in factory farming.
HAF used its brief to educate the Court about the religious nature of Mr. Dubash’s objection to factory farming practices. Mr. Dubash’s views are rooted in the Hindu principle of ahimsa (non-harm) and, therefore, an exercise of his faith as a Hindu. HAF believes this unique perspective provides yet another strong legal basis for Mr. Dubash to prevail.
HAF Legal Director Needhy Shah commented that “Mr. Dubash exercises his Hindu conviction in ahimsa by advocating against cruelty towards animals in public spaces, and his speech clearly deserves protection under the First Amendment.”
Counsel on the brief include Needhy Shah (HAF Legal Director), Jennifer S. Freel and West M. Bakke of Jackson Walker LLP, who provided their services pro bono.
Read HAF’s policy paper on the ethical treatment of animals