Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!

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Ganesh Chaturthi


SEPTEMBER 26, 2025

September 26, 2025
September 14, 2026

Ganesh Chaturthi (guh-NESH cha-TUR-thee) is a festival that pays homage to Lord Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, and celebrates the day of his birth. Born to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, his name derives from ‘gana’ meaning the common people and so his name translates to ‘Lord of the People’ as well as ‘Lord of the Ganas.’ Many recognize that Lord Ganesh brings order in this universe and worship him before embarking on a new endeavor, intellectual journey, or business enterprise. Therefore, it is common to see images or statues of him in these places.


Ganesha Chaturthi: The Day to Celebrate Ganesha’s Birth