
Hinduism teaches that there is a Divine essence that is equally present in all. Because all beings are connected through this shared divine essence, prejudice and discrimination against anyone or any group violates this most profound and fundamental teaching and the moral duties of selflessness, non-injury, and truth evoked by it. Hinduism’s wide array of sacred texts, stories, and poetry, and widely respected spiritual teachers, both past and present, repeatedly emphasize this profound life lesson.

The Hindu American Foundation vehemently opposes all forms of prejudice and discrimination, including caste discrimination, and promotes equal civil, religious, and spiritual rights for all. Moreover, we hold that prejudice and discrimination is wrong and unacceptable, regardless of whether it is prohibited by policy or law. 

We acknowledge that prejudice and discrimination on the basis of various perceived differences in different quarters and levels of Indian society exist despite substantial efforts made over long periods of time by a wide range of actors, including Hindu spiritual leaders, the Indian government, organizations, and individuals.

We reject any claim that prejudice and discrimination based on caste are inherent to Hinduism.

We believe that spiritual movements are the foremost answer to bringing about real and lasting social change and the wellbeing of all. Accordingly, we support the calls and work of all leading Hindu sampradayas, lineages, and institutions which emphasize the Hindu teachings about the equal presence of the Divine in all beings, promote practices that sustain this truth and empower those who suffer, and openly and strongly condemn the inhumanity of prejudice and discrimination.


The Hindu American Foundation supports policies which promote the ethical treatment of animals, ecological conservation, and stopping climate change.

Hindu teachings repeatedly assert that all of manifest existence, all of the world around us, is Divine and deserving of our respect, worship, and protection. This outlook is a holistic, interconnected view of the relationship between humanity and all of nature.

A broad application of the Hindu ethical principles espoused in the yamas (how one should interact with others and the world) and niyamas (how one should interact with oneself through spiritual disciplines and restraints) provides a strong dictate and basis for ecological conservation and protection of all species. 

Freedom of Speech

The Hindu American Foundation is profoundly drawn to the concept of freedom of expression and freedom of thought and belief.  We also believe in the goodness of humanity to knowingly demonstrate kindness and compassion (ahimsa), while also being truthful (satya), thoughtful (viveka), and objective (vairagya). 

To understand a Hindu approach to free expression, one must understand that central to the tradition’s philosophies and practices is the aim of seeking and attaining Truth. Truth is considered universally accessible through active pursuit, sincere study, reason, and experience. It is this feature of Hindu spiritual life that has contributed to the incredible variety of spiritual and religious expression we see within and throughout Hinduism.

Hinduism is about having the freedom to ask questions and pursue answers, to discern truth from untruth, and to act in accordance with dharma (righteousness) and avoid those thoughts, words, and actions that are adharmic (selfish).

Gun Safety Reform

As Hindu Americans, we see the enacting and enforcing of legislation that keeps military-grade firearms out of the hands of the general public, as solidly rooted in Hindu dharma. The ancient holy text, the Mahabharata, reminds us that: ‘Dharma exists for the general welfare of all livings beings; hence, that by which the welfare of all living beings is sustained, that for sure is dharma.’

The Hindu American Foundation calls on Congress and state legislatures alike to act in the interest and welfare of those they represent, and enact common sense legislation to reduce gun violence and promote gun safety. Such measures include increased background checks, mental health screenings, more stringent controls on the possession and sale of assault rifles and weapons with high-capacity magazines, among other steps demonstrated to reduce mass shootings.

Hate Crimes

The Hindu American Foundation condemns hatred, violence, and discrimination against all communities.

Anti-Hindu hatred or Hinduphobia is the irrational fear of, hostility to, discrimination against, or hatred towards Hindus and Hinduism. Both have a tragically long history which continues to this day across the globe. Hindu Americans are not exempt from attacks based on their religion and culture.

We request your help in tracking incidents of identity-based and bias-motivated intimidation, harassment, and violence in our communities by requesting you to fill out the Anti-Hindu Hate and Hinduphobia Incident Form, if you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed an incident.


The United States is a nation of immigrants. That is as true today as it has been throughout this nation’s history. 

The Hindu American Foundation supports a fair and transparent immigration system, without country cap quotas, that ensures immigrant workers have a fair chance at securing a green card needed for career mobility or to establish a business in the United States, and that respects the value of family unification and provides a path to citizenship for young undocumented immigrants and immigrants with temporary status.


The Hindu American Foundation supports policies that strengthen India’s legacy of pluralism and religious freedom, and a strong US-India relationship for the promotion of democracy and security and stability in the region.  

We advocate for Hindus here in America and around the world because we believe that where the well-being of Hindus is secure, the well-being of all people and the planet is secure. While the Hindu diaspora has reached every continent, India remains very special and significant. India is a sacred geography and spiritual homeland for Hindus, including those living in India, those of Indian origin and generations removed, and those who have come to discover and embrace Hindu traditions, teachings, and practices as a result of their own spiritual quest. 

International Religious Freedom

Pluralistic freedom of thought and worship must be the foundation of any modern society and nation.

Hindu teachings acknowledge and accept that there are multiple paths to, perspectives on, and ways to worship. In the famous passage from the Rig Veda, the tradition’s oldest sacred text, it states, (in paraphrase) “The Truth is one, the wise call It by many names.” Such religious or spiritual freedom must be based, however, on mutual respect. 

Based on this fundamental Hindu teaching regarding religious freedom and pluralism, the Hindu American Foundation supports international religious freedom in terms of what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes as “the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance;” and as well as what it has failed to include as the right to retain one’s tradition and be free from religious intrusion, harassment, intimidation, and exploitative and predatory proselytization.

Religious Liberty

The Hindu American Foundation holds that religion and state are healthiest at a distance from one another, yet also acknowledges the positive and important role each can play in society and in the daily lives of people. As such, HAF supports the separation of religion and state at all levels, and the right of every individual and community to religious belief and expression.

Religious liberty is guaranteed by the US Constitution and provides a two-fold promise: the right to religious belief and expression, and the guarantee that the state will not prefer religion over non-religion nor favor particular religions above others. Nonetheless, under the guise of religious liberty, some have sought to use the state apparatus to curry favor or privilege their religion over others. This erodes the foundation of freedom and democracy. 

LGBTQ Rights

The Hindu American Foundation holds that fundamental Hindu teachings may allow Hindus to more openly embrace LGBTQ rights and marriage equality, and that the government should not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or identity.

The equal religio-spiritual potential of all individuals is key to understanding a Hindu basis for dignity for LGBTQ persons. Hindu teachings hold that every being is an eternal soul enveloped in form or a body. This soul is distinct from one’s physical body and personality (ego), as well as outer attributes such as race, caste, gender, and sexual orientation. Every being may strive towards and attain moksha by transcending selfishness, and material desires and impulses, including sexual ones. 

Women's Rights

The Hindu American Foundation believes that we have a responsibility to ensure the dignity and equality of all women and men, and supports culturally grounded means for freedom, empowerment, and opportunity regardless of background.

Hindus understand the Divine to be both masculine and feminine, as well as neither. Divine energy is worshiped as the Goddess(es) and is seen to be complementary and not in competition with divine masculine powers which manifest as God(s). That there has been and remains a disconnect between teachings of equality and respect for women and Goddess worship, and examples of discriminatory treatment of women in societies across the globe is unfortunate and must be countered.