On Thursday, August 15, California AB3027, the so-called “Transnational Repression Bill” failed to advance out of the state’s Senate Appropriations Committee, effectively killing the bill for the year. 

In response HAF has issued the following comment:

“We are opposed to other nations targeting US citizens broadly speaking, but the wording and motivation of AB3027 is problematic. Like the SB403 caste bill this bill implicitly targeted Indian Americans. It lumped India in with Iran and Russia. It also failed to mention violent pro-Khalistan extremism that has targeted the Hindu community of California, nationwide and across North America. In the past few years there has been a strong record of anti-Hindu hate coming from pro-Khalistan activists, the very people advocating strongly for this bill. More than 9 temples in the Bay Area have been vandalized; the Indian Consulate in San Francisco experienced an arson attempt, Hindus have been assaulted by pro-Khalistan activists on a number of occasions. HAF, through in-person meetings with lawmakers, action alerts, and community talking points, educated policymakers on the extremist Khalistan movement hiding behind the bogey of transnational repression. The failure for this bill to pass out of committee is a victory for all Californians.”